2023-12-21 09:44:51 -

2023-12-22 08:31:00 -
商品挺不错的,就是看起来比图片小😂😂 客服的服务态度挺不错,回答很积极,不拖泥带水,效率高,不耽误顾客的时间,所以这客服的服务质量让我决定给个五星好评。 这个商品才刚刚拿到,用一段时间看看质量怎么样

2023-12-15 18:54:47 -
很好,买之前对比了好多个,这个非常符合我的需求,关键点有: 电脑独立仓位,避免东西多的时候拿电脑也要露出主仓物品; 有内置拉链网袋,方便装易掉的小东西,比如U盘; 还有,这个小号够用,其它有些三层包动不动就要50mm高,日常用有点大

2023-12-27 20:04:34 -

2023-12-19 00:09:38 -

2023-12-15 02:20:41 -
结实程度:内袋破了 容量大小:还好吧 外观颜值:看着还可以

2023-12-16 14:58:21 -
轻巧容量大 款式简单耐用

2023-12-18 15:59:13 -

2023-12-14 20:01:43 -

2023-12-13 22:31:09 -

2PCS 50ml Long Neck Clear Plastic Volumetric Measuring Flask Hea

1. The Measuring Flask is a piece of laboratory ware, a type of laboratory flask, calibrated to contain a precise volume at a particular temperature.
2. The flask is vase shaped and made of plastic. The flask mouth is furnished with a plastic stopper.
3. Used for precise dilutions and preparation of standard solutions.

Tags:$0 - $20,Cylinders & Beakers,Filtering Funnels,Glassware & Labware,Industrial,Lab & Scientific,Lab & Scientific Products,Lab Bottles,Lab Funnels,Lab Instruments & Equipment

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